Thursday, January 29, 2009

Random Rants and Raves Friday

Once you get to know me you will discover that I sometimes, every now and then, like to have myself a little rant. And occasionally a little rave as well. So I thought Fridays would be a good time to post these since my brain is already in TGIF mode anyway.

Mini Rant

I have had a lovely, limited edition Holland Berkley giclee hanging in my our master bedroom for some time. Here is a picture:

Somehow, my husband talked me into switching it out for this, a 42" Panasonic flat panel TV. Here also a picture.

Now, I'll say this right now. No one can ever accuse me again of being a **** decorator who only cares about how things look. I think this was so generous and selfless of me, I have instructed my kids to include this story in my eulogy.

Owen, my seven month old grandson has learned to give sloppy little kisses to his Nonnie and let me tell you, they make my day!

Isn't he precious?

Before I go, I also have an interesting quote to pass along:

"Everything you want in the world is just right outside your comfort zone." - Jennifer Anniston, Vogue December 2008

Happy Friday!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OK, I learned something today. I did not know what a "giclee" was; I had to look that one up. (there's a good entry on this on Wikipedia.) Pronounced "zhee-clay" - fun word!

I think I would have fought for the Holland Berkley, though - very nice . . .